Members of Montgomery County council are playing politics with the safety and well-being of Montgomery County police officers, residents and business owners.  This council passed Bill 27-20 which prohibits officers from using force to detain criminal suspects because of suspicion and hold officers to a different standard then the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution.  This shows the council’s agenda for police reform is to make policy changes providing the employer the ability to fire officers who do nothing wrong while acting within the law, but do not fit their political agenda.

 Instead of providing facts on how their bill will make Montgomery County safer for residents and businesses, members of the county council have pointed the finger at police officers and the FOP.  Councilman Craig Rice stated, “When ingrained racism shapes interactions our police have with the community, we must call it out and address it in order to expect any real change.” Councilman Rice has no facts to support “ingrained racism” within the Montgomery County Police Department.  This type of political posturing brings disgrace to his office and Police Officers that Councilman Rice claims to support, and is sure to create a wedge between the Montgomery County Police Department and the community of color.  

 Councilman Will Jawando posted the below response to the FOP publicly opposing Bill 27-20




 Obviously, Councilman Jawando did not comprehend the news release or message from Lodge 35. His response reveals how certain council members are attempting to cause a divide in Montgomery county communities. Will Jawando does not understand that Lodge 35’s concern with limiting the use of less lethal force and how it makes it more difficult to keep residents/businesses safe, and how the councils policy holds officers to a different standard than that of the of the US Supreme Court’s interpretation.  He also cannot understand an all democratic council is attempting to remove collective bargaining rights from the rank and file officers.  The men and women of the Montgomery County Police, members of Lodge 35, have always attempted to de-escalate use of force situations, and strive to use deadly force only as a last resort.  Mr. Jawando was asked to provide facts that would suggest otherwise.

 The fact is, this council has an agenda to cause fear within the police department to enact discipline when the employer does not agree with an officer’s actions, even if it is within the officers authority under law.  The council press release clearly shows their interest when it states, “Officers who violate these new police policies would be subject to discipline under the State Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights”.  The attacks keep coming with Bill 34-20 proposed by Councilmembers Han Riemer and Craig Rice, attempting to again remove mandatory subjects of collective bargaining (discipline and transfers) from police officers and separate them from all other county union members.

 Real police reform starts from the first day of employment.  It starts on how departments hire, train, and expect their officers to police within the community.  This council has not demonstrated any instances or issues, justifying such a drastic change to our use of force policy, disciplinary process, or the collective bargaining rights of our police officers.  We do not have the problems like we have seen across this nation. We are a expertly trained and highly educated police force.  Lodge 35 is committed to working on true police reforms that make policing safer for both law enforcement officers and the community.  True police reform must be embraced by all.